We love to involve our guests, guiding them by the hand in the discovery of the flavors, scents, and traditions of our land. Our Cooking Class is a sensory experience that allows you to immerse yourself in the reality of the rural world of Tramonti and to challenge yourself with the tasks that the local cuisine presents.

A journey that, step by step, enriches the mind, heart, and palate of those who take part, leaving an indelible memory of Tramonti.

Discovering the vegetables

A walk in the vegetable garden, in the shade of the vineyards, to learn about seasonal vegetables and pick those that will be used later in the preparation of lunch

Homemade Pasta Lessons

It’s time to get your hands dirty! A full lesson to learn all the secrets of fresh pasta: making the dough, rolling it out, cooking it, and preparing the best sauce ever

pasta fresca

It's time to cook!

The products of the earth come to life: a demonstration on how to use the flavors and scents of the vegetable garden to prepare traditional dishes, from excellent grilled vegetables to the typical ‘eggplant Parmigiana’


Wine, salami, cheeses: the traditional platter is ready to satisfy those who participate in the Cooking Class with a complete and genuine tasting

Tutti a tavola!

A three-course lunch to delight the participants and reward them for their hard work

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